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I Can't change my weapon on Chromebook.

hello elvies 

I would like to develop your game further with your permission! I love it!

make a longer version and in French.

I am waiting for some news from you :)

if u have a discord i can dm to further talk abt it, thatll help. thanks

yes ! Let’ s Go :)

Hi, I added you on Discord, but I haven't heard back from you yet

theres no notifications on my discord, are u sure u added the right name? my discord handle is in my nyghtmare page

I don’t find This but i give u my name on discord :



(1 edit) (+1)


love this game sm!! especially little details like in Ending A there's now a dog 😭 but over all the art style, game play, and lore over all is great!! <3

this was pretty cool guy

Days Without Walkthrough

I've downloaded all the files and none of them have the game.

if you have the file name type .gb / .gbc open it in a program called mgba.exe or any gameboy emulators thank u


Damn fun game! Loved the art, hope to see more like it!



This is a neat distillation of survival horror onto the Game Boy platform.

It’s a great implementation with an interesting bit of story and fun mechanics.

Stand-out Features

The gameplay works well on the system and despite the narrow scope of the project, it’s surprisingly well balanced for casual play.

It felt tense as I used up my shotgun ammunition and had to approach the gas station with just a pistol!


The player speed is a little slow, it can make the navigation / exploration unnecessarily tedious.

The weapon ‘swap’ mechanic seemed to be bugged, I had to draw my weapon, then holster it before I could switch.

Finished playing. The game doesn't have multiple endings does it? My poor friend.

due to the time limit I havent implemented it yet. maybe after the jam ill look back into this game. thank u for playing

Yeah I understand. I certainly hope to see more of this game. Thanks for the effort.

i just made it with multiple endings! got 4mins left lol. hopefully no major bugs this time

Wow! That is really nice. Will play it again. Hope you won the first prize!

thanks! not really eager but definitely hoping to atleast be top10 XD

I've made a walkthrough video about it. 

1. The shells mysterously became 4/4 after getting 4 from an enemy, whereas I previously had more than 20.

2. Interacting with the dog outside the gas station gives me two options (1) pet donut (2) pet buddy. And when I chose 1, it saves the game. Don't know if this is a word bug.

3. I can kill the BOSS when I didn't trigger the dialogue "what the f--". It escaped to the last room, but ran out again. Had to fight it again.

Finally another game from you! Love it as always.

Two problem occur:

1. While playing in browers, pressing interactive on the street to get to the gas station will immediately send me back to the street. So no way to continue the game.

2. Shells for shotgun will reduce to 4 in some occasions. I had 24!

Anyways, still a good game. I will continue to play on a gameboy emulator later.

OMG Thank you for finding the street bug! Ill fix it now and reupload the build. I still have time to edit! Thanks!How and when does the 2nd bug occur?

I'm not sure if problem 1 is just me or indeed a browser bug. As for problem 2, it happens when I gain 4 more shells after already having 24 shells (got from enemies and bought from monsters). Then suddenly, my shells become 4/4.


This has a great visual style

