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I like the movement and graphics but the game let me down.

The game is too easy until level 4 and then it became a slog. Not only is it too easy to get instakilled by being knocked onto the road but the hitboxes are bugged out. There's not enough room to maneuver and the enemy don't happen until the screen scrolls.

I don't like how Layla's bullets have such a short travel distance. I thought you couldn't shoot the first couple bosses. Also, bats are way to hard to shoot and much easier to attack melee.

I didn't want to restart after losing all my continues, which I feel is something which should be altered. Just let me have infinite lives.

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It's a great game, though missing a tutorial.

The slashing should be bigger so that the player stop getting hit.

The world fell to cramped, and I keep getting hit on the walls.

The bosses should have an extra attack, and even randomess so the player won't always just do the same thing over and over again.

And also check points.

I hope this could help you make a better game, good luck!

This is really fun. The multiple playable characters are great.  Wall jumping is smooth. The sprites and backgrounds look amazing. Both retro and contemporary.  Well made. The waterfalls that overlap the player, and some of the backgrounds are sweet.